Friday, January 16, 2009

Grails JasperReport plugin

Recently we start to play with Jasper plugin for Grails (version 1.0.4), and we did not have lucky to make it work - we use comment line "grails install-plugin jasper" (version 0.9). We always end with this kind of error - my poor hair:
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesMap.readObject(
After look around for a while, it seems the grails plugin jasper report library version is too old, and it somehow does not work under this version of Grails.

After update to the latest version of jasperReport and iText


and put it into plugins/japser-0.9/lib, now I can generate the PDF file.

And if you are using the latest iReport, you also need pay attention to the xml format of .jrxml. Please follow the example .jrxml to generated your .jasper file.

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