Saturday, January 06, 2007

Yahoo YUI Calendar

Recently I start to look Yahoo YUI for rich UI. One feature is about Calendar. In general, YUI works pretty well with my application. However, one bug related to IE took me 2 days to figure it out.

When I click any date in Calendar. It subscribe to YUI render:
YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1.selectEvent.subscribe(mySelectDate, YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1, true);
YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1.addRenderer(txtDate1.value, YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1.renderCellStyleHighlight2);
In my application, I need send new request to the server and get result for this specific date. It works well in Firefox, however, it does not always work in IE6. After dig for a while, there exist this code in YUI calendar.js:
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellDefault = function(workingDate, cell)
Exist: javascript:void(null) in href
IE does not pass javascript:void(null) in href.

href="javascript: ", onclick="javascript:" There is no such thing as a JavaScript protocol on the web. Links use protocols to connect documents.


ffzhuang said...
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Anonymous said...

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