In Spring MultiActionController, it already provides bind method, however, this method just throws Exception when it find the invalidate error message. To catch this error, we need write a new method to override it.
The goal is to use both MultiActionController and SimpleFormController
Solution: bind and validate in MultiActionController.
In XML, you can write your MultiActionController as normal define.
Now we need bind the form and validator it.
I will use a save action as example:
First create a bindObject method in your BaseContoller (extends MultiActionController)
protected BindException bindObject(HttpServletRequest request,
Object command, Validator validator) throws Exception {
preBind(request, command);
ServletRequestDataBinder binder = createBinder(request, command);
BindException errors = new BindException(command,
if (validator.supports(command.getClass())) {
ValidationUtils.invokeValidator(validator, command, errors);
return errors;
Now in the save action, you can use this method as normal.
public ModelAndView save(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, PhoneInfo command) throws Exception {
ModelAndView addPhoneView = new ModelAndView(LIST_VIEW, "phones",
addPhoneView.addObject("phoneInfo", command);
// add validator and call bindobject to get the result
BindException errors = super.bindObject(request, command, new PhoneInfoValidator());
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
return addPhoneView;
// otherwise --- save this object...
return addPhoneView;
In this way, I can easy to fix my problem when I use MultiActionController. I can bind and validate any object as I like.